URL toolsurlencode; V 2; 2009-02-23; converting plain text to URL encoded data
urldecode; V 2; 2009-02-23; converting URL encoded data to plain text Synopsis and descriptionurlencode [--replace=characters] [--no-replace=characters] [--space] [text] ... URL encode and decode tools convert data between plain text and URL encoding. They accept input data both from command line and standard input. Downloading and compilingSource code and manual pages: Requirements: Compiling and installing:
gcc -Wall -s -o/usr/local/bin/urlencode urlencode.c -larguments Examples$ urlencode -R/ /~matlib/hacks/urltools/łąka.jpeg;echo
/~matlib/hacks/urltools/%C5%82%C4%85ka.jpeg $ /~matlib/hacks/urltools/%C5%82%C4%85ka.jpeg $ urldecode %CF%84%CE%AD%CF%87%CE%BD%CE%B7 \
> %CE%A6%CE%B9%CE%BB%CE%BF%CF%83%CE%BF%CF%86%CE%AF%CE%B1 τέχνη Φιλοσοφία $ |
2009-02-24 Matlib |